Welcome, to Forest City Photographs

Hello friends!

Welcome to our brand new website. We hope the experience here will help you better navigate our content, better answer questions, and inquire about our services. Hopefully, you’ll better understand our passion and love for people first, and photography second. I’m Joel, the creator of Forest City Photographs (FCP) with my wife Nicole. We have been married since 2017 which helped us so much understand what our clients and their needs. Since a young age, I love taking photographs. Having numerous family members who were photography and gave me the tools to be a photographer and start Forest City Photographs in 2015. Nicole has been with me since the start and has also has been a photographer for years, bring in a fresh perspective and a female touch to the wedding day.

We both are extroverts who love to celebrate our couples as if we’re a part of your family. Weddings have so many moving parts, different places to be, timelines to stay within… it can be overwhelming. Our goal is to make YOUR wedding day as easy as possible. We want to get to know the real YOU to share a true perspective of your wedding. Images will gain value over time as we don't know how long family and friends in our lives. We've experienced this first hand. Thankfully, photographs are the perfect way to push the pause button and record that moment forever.


Creating memories that last. Why we use GIF's for our couples.